Walking Home
Thank you for walking with me. Today is a leisurely stroll with dedicated punctuation marks.
The Gospels record little on this day but much had to be done. Passover was the next day and there were many preparations to be made. Recording routine events like what needs to be done for Passover was not the focus for Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. This day, for them, was an ordinary day during Passover week. They had grown up in the tradition and celebration of Passover. Today they visited family and went into the market to gather herbs, spices and such. Just an ordinary day.
There was this one, though, that had an important meeting today. He would slip away and sell his best friend for silver. Sigh. Part of the preparations, I suppose.
Today we find Jesus in Bethany. His day was an extraordinary day. He was making preparations as well. Preparations that were going to change the world.
In my mind, it is no coincidence that Jesus stayed in Bethany. It was close to Jerusalem, about a two mile walk, but just far enough away to find refuge in the dwelling of His friend. Today, of all days, Jesus needed to be here, in this place.
Jesus was overseeing and consulting with His disciples about the details of tomorrow. Everything had to be perfect and it would be. As I read scripture, I don’t often picture Jesus as sitting or idle. Yet, on this day, I picture Him seated under an olive tree or in ear shot of Martha and Mary in the kitchen making their own preparations.
These moments had to be precious to Him. He wasn’t being scrutinized by the Sanhedrin or pestered by the Pharisees. His mind could dwell on the hundreds of miles He had walked in His earthly lifetime. From Bethlehem to Egypt, from Egypt to Nazareth, from the banks of the Jordan to Samaria, every place His foot had trod, God, His Father, had led Him.
I wonder if He could feel the power of the Holy Spirit as He remembered all of His days? Every man, woman and child that He had healed. Every heart that had been quickened to life by His words. Every embrace that was the giving and receiving of Life. Every miracle that had been preformed to glorify His Father in Heaven. Today. Today would have been the day to think on these things.
His mind could have wandered… to the salt air on His face at the Sea of Galilee, the smell of Joseph’s carpentry shop, the hot sands on His feet in Egypt, the taste of the wine in Cana, the warmth of the stones on His back at the well in Samaria, the smell of the wildflowers as He taught upon so many hills. Then, there was the fragrant aroma of the nard. That beautiful, costly perfume that had bathed His feet as Mary laid her life before Him. Sweet abandon. He would not forget that moment.
That moment emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically screamed what was coming. Bless His disciples’ hearts, the signs were all there but they had no idea. John, maybe, but just a glimmer really. His heart was making preparations for His time was drawing near. So few hours left. So much to do.
So, I see Him. Can’t you? Sitting in the shade of a tree waiting for that next breeze. Resting in what may have been the closest place He had to an earthly home in the last three years. Then He sees him, Lazarus, his friend. He is walking over. There is comfort there and familiar ease. The bond they shared was extraordinary. Lazarus owed his life to Jesus. Don’t we all? Yes. However, Lazarus had experienced something that Jesus had yet to experience as a man – resurrection. The breeze must have caressed Him as they sat together in the cool of the day.
Thank you for walking with me. This walk toward home was good for my soul.
Until tomorrow,
Laura Lea