Thankful Thursday
Love. That is what it is all about.
I want to live a life where this is my normal.
On those days when things have not gone as I had planned,
which are more days than I would like to admit.
You know, those days when the dishes sit in the sink,
your voicemail box is full,
you forget to pack your child’s lunch,
you miss the deadline for the project,
you get lunch on your favorite shirt. Those days…
I want my first thoughts and actions to be to love – love myself
enough to forgive my shortcomings and recognize that God is in my every day.
None of the everyday unplanned things that happen shake the kingdom of God.
They are simply small happenings that do not need to shape me or shake me.
So today, I am thankful that God is love.
That love covers a multitude of sins and casts out all fear.
My sin of worry, self-doubt and stress.
My fear of failure, unmet expectations and unworthiness.
What is the answer? God is love and if I believe that,
truly without a doubt,
then all that I do WILL BE done in LOVE.
Praise be to God.